Tintes of Naturales Friendship Baby Blankets

Tintes of Naturales Friendship Baby Blankets

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As you weave these gorgeous naturally dyed baby blankets, you will not only be creating an heirloom your baby will love, but you will be giving the women of San Rafael, Guatemala a chance of a better life and honoring the skills they have spent a lifetime learning.

Click HERE to learn more about the Natural Dye Project and the dozens of volunteers who helped these women increase their income through their native skills of dyeing, so that they could send their girls and boys to school for a better future.

You’ll delight in the brilliant but earthy natural colors in shades of cochineal, indigo, osage orange, madder and overdye of osage orange with indigo. The natural, undyed 8/2 stripes makes the colors pop!

Hundreds of hours of volunteer time have gone into this kit from the first inception of the Natural Dye Project some five years ago, to the tireless volunteers working in the field, to the designing of the towel instructions, to our blogger, graphic designer, marketer and distributor–all volunteer hours so that the women of San Rafael can envision a better life for their daughters and sons.

Supported by Mayan Hands

Weave structure:  plain weave and twill variations.

Yarns: Tintes of Naturales Yarn Pack and Monte Cristo Boucle

Equipment needed: 4-shaft loom; 36" weaving width; 10 dent reed; 2 shuttles; 7 bobbins

Finished size: two 29" x 35" blankets

Easy care, machine wash and dry.

Designed by Robin Lynde