Hugs and Kisses Towels
Learn to weave over-shot on your rigid heddle loom! These towels are mostly plain weave but have a lovely little border accent of Xs and Hearts that are woven using a modified over-shot technique.
This weaving kit includes all the yarns needed to weave these Hugs and Kisses Towels that were designed by Tammy Bast, The Rogue Weaver.
Weave structure: Plain weave with with overshot accents.
Yarns: Aurora Earth 8/2 Cottons in lipstick, Rose and white. Note that the pattern suggests a cotton slub, but this kit includes Aurora Earth 8/2 Cotton yarns and 3/2 Cotton.
Equipment needed: rigid heddle loom, 24" weaving width, 10 dent reed, 4 shuttles, 1 pick-up stick.
Finished size: Makes 2 towels about 19 x 26” hemmed.
Instructions needed: Hugs & Kisses Towel Pattern from The Rogue Weaver.
This weaving kit includes all the Aurora Earth 8/2 Cotton yarns needed to weave these Hugs and Kisses Towels that were designed by Tammy Bast, The Rogue Weaver. The pattern is needed and can be found at therogueweaver.com.
Photo by Tammy Bass