Color and Weave Towels
These towels give you a lot for a little! Four towels from one warp, each with a different border.
You may be familiar with popular color-and-weave patterns such as Houndstooth Check and Log Cabin, but those are just the tip of the iceberg.
The pattern is available from Yarnworker and will need to be purchased separately from this kit. The pattern includes tips for how to manage two colors, work with doubled ends, and how to create a paper guide that enables you to weave the same sized towels every time!
The kit is wound so that you can easily wind your shuttles double strand and is available in several colorways. Use the drop-down menu to choose your preferred colors.
This project was originally from Liz Gipson's Color and Weave Weave-Along in 2014. Read Liz's blog post, Warping Doesn't Have to Be Scary for more tips and techniques.
See more finishing techniques here.
Weave structure: plain weave
Yarns: Aurora Earth 8/2 Cottons
Note: This kit is only available in the cotton version. The cottolin yarns are not available.
Equipment needed: rigid heddle loom; 15" weaving width; 10 dent reed; 3 shuttles.
Finished size: four towels 13” x 28" hemmed.
Instructions needed: Color and Weave Towels Pattern from
This kit includes all the yarns needed to weave these towels. The pattern is sold separately at
Photos by Liz Gipson of Yarnworker