Traditional Monks Belt Kitchen Towels

Traditional Monks Belt Kitchen Towels

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Weave two different Scandinavian designs with these 100% cotton kitchen towels. Super-absorbent and oh, so beautiful!

Weave structure:  Monks Belt

Yarns: Though the pattern calls for cottolin, we like how our Aurora Earth 8/2 unmercerized cotton works for this towel.

We have also added a nice touch with Organic Cotton 10/2 for warp and tabby weft!

Equipment needed: 4-shaft loom; 20" weaving width; 12-dent reed; 2 shuttles, 7 bobbins

Finished size: four generous-size 16.5 " x 31" towels

The pattern from Design Collection #18 makes two towels but this kit has enough yarn to make four towels on a 5 yard warp.

Instructions needed: Handwoven Design Collection #18: A Treasury of Towels available from Long Thread Media for warping and weaving instructions.

Designed by DeeDee Woodbury