Waffle Weave Variegated Towels
This weaving kit includes all the yarns needed to weave these Waffle Weave Variegated Towels.
This pick-up technique makes a fabric that looks complex to weave but is actually very easy. You get into the rhythm of the waffle weave sequence quickly and will weave a beautiful towel set in just a few hours.
Fabric Description: waffle weave
Yarns: Aurora Earth 8/2 and 8/2 Variegated Cottons.
Just Ducky - Lake Combo and Duck
Lemon Zest - Citrus and Maize
Rose Garden - Flower Garden and Beauty Rose
Mediterranean Sea - Olive Garden and China Blue
Peach Sherbet - Sherbet and Peach
Aquamarine - Malachite and Duck
Equipment needed rigid heddle or 4-shaft loom; 20" weaving width; 10 dent reed; 2 shuttles or 2 bobbins; 1 pick up stick (for rigid heddle); sewing thread for hemming.
Finished Dimensions: two towels 16" x 27" hemmed.
Instructions Complete step-by-step instructions are included. (There is also a 15" rigid heddle pattern available upon request.)
Designed by Jodi Ybarra with 4-shaft update by Katie Strano.
Find this towel in our Year of Towels Kit of the Month Club