News — weaving
Chili Pepper Towels- Four Step Pick-Up Technique
Posted by Jessica Ybarra on

These towels are red hot! Light your senses on fire weaving these Chili Pepper Towels! Like other members of the red family, chili pepper red is dramatic and exciting. It’s associated with sensational tastes and cultural diversity. These towels are just what we need to spice up our lives this summer! More that just plain weave. You can easily create so much more than just plain weave on a 2-shaft rigid heddle loom. By maneuvering the warp threads with a pick-up stick you can create unique and interesting textures in your fabric. A pick-up stick is the equivalent of adding shafts to...
- Tags: club, kitchen towels, kits, weaving
Step-by-Step Weaving Fun!
Posted by Jessica Ybarra on

We are just getting started with the SuperSoftCotton Towel Club with great success! We will be weaving twelve towel kits together over the next twelve months. I’m so excited to share my love of weaving with my fellow rigid heddle weavers! Let’s get started! You will love the convenience of receiving a kit each month to build confidence with your weaving skills. This SuperSoftCotton Weaving Club is the perfect solution if you are like me and just don’t have much time for the things we love. How to Manage Your Time to Weave I will show you that you can find the time...
- Tags: club, kitchen towels, kits, weaving
Hawaiian Ice Towels — Warping Your Loom
Posted by Jessica Ybarra on

I knew that weaving was going to be my passion from the very first time I warped my loom but I never imagined that I would be designing projects for my fellow rigid heddle weavers through Cotton Clouds! I absolutely love weaving and am so happy to be sharing my experiences with you all! Hawaiian Ice Towels I hope everyone is enjoying the weaving kits from our SuperSoftCotton® Towel Kit Club! This month we are working on the Hawaiian Ice Towels. I love how the crisp white of the Cottontail 8/4 cotton brings out the bright colors in the Caterpillar Variegated Cotton Paua colorway. Watch My...
- Tags: club, kitchen towels, kits, weaving
Chai Latte Towels
Posted by Jessica Ybarra on

Join me in weaving these Chai Latte Towels! Let’s get started! Pull up a chair and fill your mug with your favorite tea. Let’s sip (and weave) away! You’re going to love the refreshing simple design and the spaced textured stripes using three different yarns! Texture & Thickness Ever want to explore the affect and behavior of yarns by mixing different yarn textures and thicknesses? You will get to do just that when weaving the Chai Latte Towels on your rigid heddle loom. Chai Latte Yarns It’s fun to experience weaving with different yarn textures and thicknesses! You will get to mix three...
- Tags: club, kitchen towels, kits, weaving
The Meaning of a Prayer Shawl
Posted by Jessica Ybarra on

Peace of My Heart™ Prayer Shawl “The passion you have for weaving is a gift: Treasure it, and honor the gift by exploring it, developing it, expressing it, and sharing it with those around you. Do that, and your love of weaving will be a joy forever.” Sarah Jackson, Sarah Jackson Design Sarah Jackson Sarah Jackson knew she was a weaver from the first time she saw the beautiful colors of yarn on a loom. She was a young girl on a camping trip to secluded Northern New Mexico where she happened on Craft House (a weaving cooperative founded by Rachel Brown and...
- Tags: prayer shawl, shawl, tencel, weaving